National Diabetes Week

National Diabetes Week runs from 14 – 20 July and this year we’re raising awareness of the signs and symptoms of diabetes to increase earlier detection and promote action.

Every day almost 300 Australians are diagnosed with diabetes. But for many the diagnosis is being made too late putting them at risk of life threatening or serious health issues. That’s why we’re urging people to “take the time” to learn the signs and symptoms of type 1 and type 2 diabetes.

Type 1

Each year 640 children and adults are admitted to hospital because the early symptoms of type 1 diabetes – severe fatigue, thirst and weight loss – are not recognised. More than half of these hospital admissions are children and teens and when you know that type 1 diabetes can be fatal if not diagnosed in time – making sure the early signs and symptoms are picked up is critical.

Type 2

On top of this there are almost half million who are living with type 2 diabetes but don’t know it. That’s because type 2 diabetes can be “silent” and occur without any obvious symptoms. Find out more about the signs and symptoms of Type 2 diabetes.

When type 2 diabetes goes undiagnosed there is the danger of complications like vision loss and blindness, kidney failure, nerve damage and heart disease occurring.

Help us spread the word

Diabetes doesn’t discriminate and type 1 and type 2 are both more common than you think. We’d love it if you could help us get the word out there. Below you’ll find posters that you can download and share with your friends, family, colleagues and community.

We don’t want the next person diagnosed with diabetes to be your child, sister, brother, mother, father, husband, wife or friend. With your help we can spread the word and raise awareness of the risks of diabetes.

NDW 19 T1 Poster 1

NDW 19 T1 Poster 2

NDW 19 T2 Poster 1

DW 19 T2 Poster 2

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