When things get serious in relationships, and you find yourself thinking about having sex, the most important thing is to make sure it’s the right thing for you – remember it’s your call. You need to think things through and stay safe.
STDs (sexually transmitted diseases)
STDs are one of the biggest risks of unplanned/unprotected sex. The scary thing is that your partner could have an STD without even knowing it. STDs can be dangerous, they can affect fertility and some may even be life threatening (eg. HIV).
Unwanted pregnancy
It you or your partner want to get pregnant – great! But if it’s unplanned it can stuff up your future plans and affect relationships. Think carefully and play it safe.
Getting wasted
Drugs and alcohol can make you do stuff you wouldn’t normally do. You might feel like nothing can go wrong, but it might – unplanned sex (and unplanned pregnancy) are a real possibility. Getting wasted can be ugly and hangovers are not fun – neither is wondering what you did last night?
There’s no going back but you can always say “no”, it’s never too late! Make sure it’s right for you and don’t regret it in the morning. Talk to your friends about it, but remember everyone’s different and deals with things in their own way.
Where does diabetes fit in?
When things are “hotting up”, the last thing on your mind is usually diabetes. There’s some other stuff you should think about like:
Telling your partner about diabetes
You might not want to tell them that you’ve got diabetes – what if they think they can catch it or they won’t like you any more? If they think like that, don’t feel bad – they just don’t understand. You’ll probably find that once you explain it they’ll be fine with it. You may wonder “why should I bother telling them anyway?” It’s about staying safe.
Contraception Choices
Condoms are the only way to protect yourself from STDs. No matter how well you know the other person or what other method of contraception you’re using, always use a condom.
The Pill
The oral contraceptive pill can be used by most females with type 1 diabetes unless there is a history of high blood pressure or blood clots. Talk to your diabetes doctor or educator about the best choice for you.
Other choices
Intrauterine devices (IUDs) should not be used by females with type 1 diabetes because of the risk of infection. Contraceptive implants may affect insulin sensitivity – talk to your diabetes doctor or educator.
Pregnancy in females with diabetes should be planned. It’s important that blood glucose levels are well managed both before and during pregnancy. The pregnancy should be closely monitored by your diabetes team along with an obstetrician (baby doctor).
Sex is a form of physical activity and when you’ve got diabetes, this means you can be at risk of having a hypo. Have some hypo treatment handy.
Erectile dysfunction
Lots of guys worry about not being able to get an erection. This may occur in adults who have had diabetes for a long time but may happen for other reasons, often psychological. Good diabetes management is the way to go to reduce the risk.
Want more info? Check out: FPA Health