Health Professionals


Working together to care for children with type 1 diabetes

Health Professionals are at the forefront of the fight against the rise of diabetes. Diabetes NSW is here to assist health professionals every day as you provide practical support to all people living with and at risk of diabetes.

Diabetes NSW produces a range of paediatric diabetes education materials and resources to assist with patient consultation. Visit our online shop for further information

Paediatric Diabetes Guidelines

The specific issues related to type 1 diabetes and its management are usually dealt with by a specialist multidisciplinary team, including an Endocrinologist, Diabetes Educator, Diabetes Dietitian and Social Worker or Psychologist. This role may vary according to the geographical location, with rural general practitioners and/or paediatricians sometimes having greater involvement with diabetes issues.

APEG Guidelines

The Australasian Paediatric Endocrine Group (APEG) have developed Clinical Practice Guidelines (2014) to assist health care professionals in the management of children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes. These guidelines are designed to provide information to assist decision making and are based on the best evidence available at the time of compilation.

View Diabetes Management and Insulin Administration - CHW Practice Guidelines

ISPAD Guidelines

The International Society for Pediatric & Adolescent Diabetes (ISPAD) have developed Clinical Practice Consensus Guidelines (2014) compiled by international experts in paediatric diabetes management.

View Clinical Practice Consensus Guidelines

Professional Associations & Links

Diabetes NSW Membership for Health Professionals

Diabetes NSW Health Professional Membership means you are aware of, and are able to take advantage of the full range of specialised programs and activities, including:
  • Education programs
  • Seminars
  • Discounted Products and Attendance Fees
  • Kids camps
  • Awareness campaigns
  • Services for at risk or vulnerable communities
  • Health Professionals support
Go to the Diabetes NSW website to Join Now.

Get involved in Diabetes Camp

Camps for children and teenagers with diabetes type 1

Health professionals are encouraged to get involved and volunteer their time for Diabetes camp. Diabetes camp is a great way for children and teenagers to meet their peers with diabetes in a safe and relaxed environment.

Camp provides a balance between fun activities and learning skills to help manage diabetes.

All children with diabetes are encouraged to attend at least one diabetes camp. This will provide reassurance for both child and parent in preparation for attending school camps. The child or teenager does not have to manage all of their care to attend camp, as the camps are fully supervised by qualified health professionals who will assist them with their diabetes management.

Contact Diabetes NSW for local information on camps and how you can become a volunteer.

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