Testing BGLs is an important part of diabetes care that can help parents plan the day to day management of their child’s diabetes. Even if the child with diabetes knows how to test, it is helpful for carers to also know how to perform a blood glucose test. If you are prepared to assist, the child’s parents can show you how to use the blood glucose meter and carry out the test.
If you agree to assist with blood glucose testing, make sure you wash your hands and take care with sharps. For infection control, testing should only be carried out on the child with diabetes not on anyone else.
The child with diabetes may need to carry out blood glucose tests at the following times:
- If you or the child suspects that their BGL is too low (see hypos)
- If the child is feeling unwell
- Before, during and after exercise
- Before meals
The child’s parents will advise you about their child’s BGLs, and in what situations they may need to be contacted.