Diabetes takes a lot of time and energy, so it’s normal to feel frustrated and tired from the constant daily demands of management.
Your emotions may change and recur (perhaps frequently) – guilt, frustration, helplessness, sadness, anger… and elation when all goes according to plan!
It can help to talk to someone who may understand or another parent going through the same thing.
Share your feelings with your partner, a friend or relative, support groups, your doctor and other health professionals such as a social worker or psychologist.
Share diabetes-related tasks with your partner, supportive family members or friends.
Keep in touch with your diabetes educator, as ongoing education can help you and your child at different stages.
Don’t be afraid to ask your health professional team for support and guidance.
Encourage relatives or friends to attend education sessions to learn more about diabetes so that they may in turn give you support.
Find some time for yourself. It’s a worthwhile investment for the daily demands of parenting.
In addition to your family and friends, there are organisations that are able to support you.
- Diabetes Australia – Infoline – 1300 136 588
- JDRF – Peer Support Program – 02 9020 6100
- Diabetes Counselling Online
- ReachOut
- Beyondblue
- Reality Check
- Headspace
- Black Dog Institute