National Paediatric Services


Royal North Shore Hospital

Paediatric and Adolescent Diabetes Service –  Level 7, Douglas Building ST LEONARDS NSW 2065

Phone: 02 9926 6904  Fax: 02 9926 6738

Sydney Children’s Hospital

Department of Endocrinology High Street RANDWICK NSW 2031

Phone: 02 9382 1456 Fax: 02 9382 1787

The Children’s Hospital at Westmead

Level 1, Department of Endocrinology – Cnr Hawkesbury and Hainsworth Street WESTMEAD NSW 2145 Locked Bag 4001 WESTMEAD NSW 2145

Phone: 02 9845 3169 Fax: 02 9845 3170

John Hunter Children’s Hospital

Department of Endocrinology Lookout Road NEW LAMBTON NSW 2310 -Locked Bag 1 Hunter Regional Mail Centre NSW 2310

Phone: 02 4921 3672 – Fax: 02 4921 3599



Women and Children’s Hospital

Department of Diabetes and Endocrinology 72 King William Road NORTH ADELAIDE SA 5006

Phone:08 8161 6402 Fax: 8204 7031



Royal Hobart Hospital

Diabetes and Endocrinology Department 3rd Floor B Block 48 Liverpool Street HOBART TASMANIA 7000

Phone: 03 6223 2474 Fax: 03 6223 2884



Princess Margaret Hospital for Children

Roberts Road SUBIACO WA 6008 GPO Box D184 PERTH WA 6840

Phone: 08 9340 8090 Fax: 08 9340 8093



Lady Cilento Children’s Hospital 

501 Stanley St, South Brisbane QLD Phone: 07 3068 1111




Royal Children’s Hospital

Department of Endocrinology and Diabetes Flemington Road PARKVILLE VIC 3052

Phone 03 9345 5951 Fax: 03 9347 7763


Monash Medical Centre

246 Clayton Road CLAYTON VIC 3168

Phone: 03 9594 6666 Fax: 03 9594 6111


The Canberra Hospital Yamba Drive GARRAN ACT 2605 PO Box 11WODEN ACT 2606

Phone: 02 6244 3794



Healthy Living NT Diabetes Education and Resource Centre CASURINA NT 0810

Phone: 08 8952 8000

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