Ideas for coping

 Try to keep things as normal as you can (not always easy) and play down the diabetes as much as is possible. Try and spend some special time alone with your child without diabetes, doing something fun and that they really enjoy.
  • Be consistent in the way you discipline all your children.
  • Some children worry that diabetes is catching or that their brother or sister with diabetes might die. They may think that something they have done has given their brother or sister diabetes – such as breaking a toy or not sharing. They may have nightmares, suddenly start wetting the bed or cling to you (remember that there are health professionals to help you and your family). Your child’s brothers and sisters need to know what is happening and to feel involved.
  • Families often find that they have become closer because of diabetes, so problems can be sorted out with patience and understanding.
  • Involving siblings in the initial diabetes education may help.
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