Use simple terms and answer questions simply, as they arise.
Don’t overload your child with too much information. Give a step by step introduction to tasks. Do one task at a time, and when neither of you is too tired.
Acknowledge your child’s feelings especially when they’re frustrated, tired and fed up. Setting limits as you would for your other children is very important. It helps children to feel safe.
Children often absorb more than we think – they take in information along the way.
Give your child some relief, share injection and blood glucose tasks.
Quietly praise your child when they take on any new responsibility.
Try not to expect perfection.
Children can benefit from you directing them to help express their frustrations.
Be positive and give lots of hugs.
When your child gets older you can gradually increase responsibility.
Watch for things which encourage your child; at home, at school; with friends.
Help, support, and supervise your child.
Choose a quiet time of the day to start a new task.
Remind your child that diabetes is not their fault.
Too much responsibility too soon can lead to burnout and poor diabetes care /management.