You will probably be very reluctant to let your child out of your sight to go to school. For you and your child’s sake it is a good time to encourage independence and adjustment to diabetes. To take this step you must feel comfortable that your child will be safe as well as happy.

You can ask your diabetes educator to visit the school to talk to the staff so that they in turn feel comfortable with the situation. The teachers are usually helpful and only too pleased to assist. Alternatively, discuss with your diabetes educator ways to approach the staff or contact your states Diabetes Australia organisation.

It is helpful to the staff if you provide one or two hypo kits for them to store in a prominent place. Remember to restock hypo kits regularly.

A photograph of your child placed in the staff room with details of hypo symptoms is also helpful. An emergency action poster next to the photo, as a reminder, is a good idea.

Your child should wear some type of diabetes identification chain or bracelet – this habit is a good one to foster at a young age – it may encourage maintaining the habit as they get older.

At this age your child may be embarrassed if you go to school to check their blood glucose level (BGL). Your child could take the meter to school and check their own BGL, however, testing at school may not always be necessary.

For more information on diabetes at school please go to the Teachers and Schools page

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